This post really is something which should be preserved through history. And I am sure you have no idea why.

I used to be a political conservative, wrote a book, and thought the nation was in an ideological battle. I thought ideology was a thing, but then saw how things really worked. It turns out the political left/right is actually all run by the same thing, a massive sort of non-state intelligence operation, bigger than the CIA, and funded by whoever runs the world. Politics is just used to divide us, so we will not see "it." It showed up in my life, and was just like this, only with suburban soccer moms, and retired geriatrics. It has networks like this all throughout every clique in society.

You have no idea what you bumped up against. It is the biggest intelligence operation in the world. When the guy changed his appearance so quickly and effectively, that was likely training, and he has likely been playing this game from a kid, brought in by his parents who were also in. They actually have two to three week courses set up as sleep-away camps which the parents in domestic surveillance will send their kids to down in Florida. They learn how to alter a silhouette or do a costume change on the fly., how to use comm gear and handle hidden cameras.

It sounds nuts, but I would not be surprised the community is being ruined by the intel op to drive down property prices so something like Blackrock can swoop in, buy it all up cheap, and all these people will be told to head to a new community to ruin it and depress prices. It is why the cops were barred from responding by their command.

I have written extensively about the most visible part, the surveillance, which I see all the time, but it goes so much deeper. If you are opposing the zeitgeist to ruin cities, and forming a group, which is even worse, it is a safe bet this thing will show up in your life to intimidate you more aggressively now.

If it does, please stop by my site, and post your experience on my surveillance page. Ignore the "conservative" part, as I am now much more non-ideological, and simply opposed to the intelligence operation running these networks. Everyone who is a victim is my brother, or sister. I hope they skip by you, but if not, please feel free to stop by, if only for moral support.


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Strikes me that this type of strategy goes way way back. In my limited understanding of history I can see it in the 30 years war. The merchant elite foments rebellions, wars, various forms of civil strife and jumps in to purchase assets when blood is "running in the streets". On the international scene the term "disaster capitalism" comes to mind, with the intelligence agencies running a lot of those scams.

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AC is absolutely right. The author of this article stumbled onto something bigger than he realizes. The "homeless problem" is not due to neglect or incompetence or even politicians not caring. It's simply too big for that. It's created. It's sustained.

Why? For numerous reasons. One, it's a cover for a massive surveillance operation that is targeting valuable properties in our cities. And businesses. This is not to say EVERY homeless person is a participant, but the homeless problem is a cover.

But that's not even the really shocking part. It gets worse. Much, much worse.

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I generally eschew government controlled health care and prefer LESS services and taxation. But one of the biggest mistakes ever made in our nation's history was when Reagan and the bi-partisan leadership in DC essentially defunded mental/psychiatric hospitals across the country. Reagan was a conservative icon of mine -- understanding this truth and it's implications on what is happening in our cities with homelessness now is key. I am a Christian, and I favor individual charity where I can, and have provided food and drink during cold or hot weather to some homeless individuals. The notion that these are merely people that are just down and out is completely false. Almost all that I have encountered are either incoherent in speech and ability to reason, high on something, in massive withdrawal, or are just flat out schizophrenic. Nobody seems to have a real solution for solving the issue..... and that leads me to think it is being allowed to continue on purpose.

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They aren't that way due to a lack of mental hospitals. There's something bigger behind all of this. It's a slow kill. They are like death camps operating in plain site.

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I am not saying you are wrong. This author on this substack and "AC" has really made me think even deeper on this subject. I live near Pensacola, FL. A city with about 65,000 residents..... yet it has a homeless population that is quite large for a city this size. The saving grace here is that the local, county, and state police actually do respond to crime. The prosecution of property crimes still takes place.

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Expound, if you please!

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invitation into schizophrenia...

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Thing is, AC's explanation makes sense of available facts. The notion that over a dozen guys and gals, with clear training and procedures designed to help evade arrest, are hanging about to help a simple smash and grab is senseless. Not enough ROI. Even crime has to obey the laws of economics.

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Its called organized crime

But enjoy your schizophrenia

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As I already said, even crime has to obey the laws of economics. Not enough ROI. Unless something else is going on.

How much money do you get from a fenced used computer and a bit of other stuff in a car? Not that much. Now divide that expense by everyone involved, and skim off the money for the bosses, and even the slight risk of jailtime add in, and well, it just doesn't make economic sense. Nobody joins a criminal conspiracy to make fifty cents an hour wage.

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lol. you probably haven't known too many junkies in your life

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The schizo accusation isn't working as well these days, is it?

People are realizing, and it is coming into the open. We both know what that means...

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Revolution is what it means. But at what cost? So Blackrock and Vanguard can buy up the land the smoldering ruins and the dead lay on? I am a traditionalist conservative, and am very black pilled. The dialectic of right/left politics is collapsing for me and very quickly. Neighbors are going to have to look after neighbors within their local community to survive regardless of their varying political, societal, and religious views.

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No according to AC the neighbors are spying on you. Every time they move their hands its a hand signal to other neighbors also spying on you.

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Given what Edward Snowden revealed....... it is within the realm of possibility. Even if it sounds crazy.

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Use your brain why would the gov bankrupt itself paying 15% of the population to spy on nobodies when they can just access your cell phone. Its an invitation to schizophrenia, be very suspicious

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Lol street dude had some friends on the street and to u that implies a national possibly global conspiracy where 10-20% of the population spies on everyone else and keeps quiet about it

You discredit your work getting the news out.

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When you claim I say it is 20 percent, and I never said that, it makes it look like you need to lie about what I said to try and fool people here. Are you afraid of something Raymond? You should see my stats for all the traffic this conversation brought me.

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lol you are selling schizophrenia and fear... not short in demand these days... congrats tool

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As a big city cop I’d say from the street level perspective we are not ordered off these sort of events; however, our staffing has plummeted over the last few years, and policies have changed regarding response to crimes in progress. If officers are available we are dispatched to such events but since they are merely property crimes they are low priority over things that are a threat to human life or safety. I imagine Seattle has similar if not greater staffing issues and similar policies. I can’t say how deliberate or well planned the slide into anarchy is, but I tend to agree there isn’t much difference in substance between the two sides of the uniparty.

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It may vary. Check out James Burke, who had multiple areas he wanted to deal with put under surveillance flags he was struggling against. Particularly Gilgo and MS13 areas. If you want a real trip, look into what he got into as chief investigator for the DA's office, and how fast that got shut down. You see where he ended up.

Did you ever, as a cop, hear of somebody who had two pounds of Oxycontin found in their prison footlocker, like Burke did, just before being released, and it just "went away" overnight?

If you don't know about the surveillance, watch yourself, protect yourself, assume you are ALWAYS being watched and listened to, and make sure you don't trust anyone too much. Stuff like happened to Chauvin is a real danger, and it may not unfold randomly. This world is a lot weirder than they tell you.

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I’ll look into Burke, thanks. Yeah, we are heading through the looking glass right now, and I’m pretty cautious to begin with.

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"One of these activists runs a major homeless non-profit in my community."

I urge you to report this individual to the board of his nonprofit, the top elected leader of the government who contracts with the nonprofit, the government's head auditor and the local media.

Like many Portlanders, I have long suspected that local activists holding far-left political beliefs condone criminal conduct and drug use by homeless people. Those activists are standing in the way of solving the crisis of homelessness, crime and addiction that are slowly killing the city. It's time for the public and elected officials to know who exactly is taking money from the taxpayers while condoning criminal behavior and a breakdown in law and order. There is no doubt that the voter-taxpayers of Portland would fire that radical activist on the spot if they had the power to do so.

Once again, your reporting puts local media, especially The Oregonian/OregonLive, to shame. Frankly, it would not surprise me if there were people at the paper who believe that Portland's down-and-outers are committing crimes because they have no choice and that the victims deserve it because of white privilege. Well, when the paper's editor is fixated on condemning white Portland for racist views and actions from half a century ago, it's not surprising the publication isn't getting around to telling Portlanders the sordid and alarming truth behind Portland's dismal crime statistics.

One final thought: Have you considered reporting to the police the multiple threats of bodily harm you received from the people who accosted you during your chase along with their photos? I assume all the people you ran into were armed. They don't have much to lose and they know our district attorney is soft on crime. You might consider increasing your security to protect yourself from retribution.

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This is not left or right. And I say that as the guy online who runs AnonymousConservative.com, and wrote a whole book on ideology. You are looking at an intelligence operation, modeled after the Stasi, and built in the US. It employs activists on the left, but it has people on the right too. Do not get tied down in ideology. They are part of a cohesive unit operating against the average American.

Look at what he encountered, if I am right (and I have seen it with my own eyes). This is an organized, trained intelligence operation, running all sorts of ops, using dangerous people. This guy he encountered is exactly the same as the dude who smoked Jay Danielson. He was drawn from this same unit, and assigned to that, and if you look at the surveillance camera footage, the shooter began moving before he could see his target around the corner. He was on radio comms, and his movement into position behind the victim was called over an earpiecce by a spotter.

If you want to really go nuts, look up the flight at JFK which failed to get hijacked on 9/11, and which was brought back to the gate, emptied, and as the towers were still standing, when a flight attendant went back on it quick to grab a water bottle, there was a cleaner team on the flight, removing weapons and tech which had been installed on the plane for the hijacking, and they had made entry through the hatch on the belly and come up through the electronics bay in the floor. I will guarantee you, Bush, who I supported back then, knew all about what really happened that day.

This thing runs so much deeper than you can imagine. I hate to sound like that Q guy, but when he said, "This thing is bigger than you could possibly believe" that statement was dead on. It made me look twice at him, because they don't want you to know that.

He just bumped up into a small piece of it.

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It's 'market shaping' on a global scale to keep the wealth flowing to the elites. It must always have been that way, but it is hard to discern in historical records, which suggests a centuries long continuity among those in power to keep it secret. Consanguinity, from the necessity of concentrating a limited amount of wealth, along with low information and slow signaling was their bane then, but the world is awash with wealth now, and dynasties no longer need to hold physical land any more, or even own it so long as they can manipulate it.

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I agree the tails and jean cut-off ive seen before with the BLM stuff, the sacred geometry tats point to freemason degenerates

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I'm a student and don't have much money but what you're doing deserves our deepest respect. Please, continue fighting this fight and take the funds from my subscription to reach these goals.

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There is a domestic surveillance network. Check this out:


Also, look at the video and photographic evidence of the Portland hit on Jay Danielson. They had vehicle teams, the shooter, video surveillance of the incident, and people following the two guys down the street.

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Good for you. It takes real courage to do something like that. Unfortunately there is no support from the authorities, who I think do not realize what the point term consequences will be for their own authority. Already they have none among the criminal underclass, who as you document have become utterly brazen in their petty predation. They will soon find that they have lost their authority over the average, law-abiding citizen.

Reading this I could not help but wonder what a dozen or do vigilantes willing to act more like the Punisher than the Batman might accomplish.

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I admire his courage, but Portland is a lost cause. They have gotten what a supermajority of them wanted, and they're either in denial about the dysfunction in their cities or in denial about its cause. For those who prefer civilization to barbarism, they should move to a red area ASAP -- unless they want to bring their loony leftist politics with them, in which case they should stay put and enjoy the fruits of their ideology.

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Thank you so much for at least trying to stop these parasites. I used to be a "tolerant leftist" now I am a dissident right Christian largely due to the rise of this kind of decadence and the horror of "trans kids."

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Jesus. Be careful out there Kevin! Please. You're too valuable to the community to get shot over a laptop.

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Someone has to stop these subhumans, are you going to do so "Bolshevik," or are you secretly rooting for them as agents of "revolution?"

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Lol…maybe YOU Are AN AGENT of the ReVolUtION and you’re rooting for Kevin to get hurt in some small scrap over a laptop.

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Considering your user name here is "Bolshevik," this isn't just some idea that randomly popped into my head. Considering the cops are being deliberately stood down, what do you suggest letting the parasites fully eat their host?

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re: username (see Humor/Sarcasm/Tongue-in-Cheek in Dictionary) have a nice day.

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Very little humor, like your penis.

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This Raven 🐦‍⬛. What a creep.

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I agree with most of the points here, especially the fact that business owners shouldn't have to worry as they do. But the police, while short staffed, are upset over measure 110 because they can't make arrests and pursue bigger dealers as they used to(they said this last week actually). That is the main factor in slow to responding for shoplifting and other petty crimes, it needs to be addressed openly to come up with a real plan forward. Saying it's "liberal cities" is not really true... I lived in Boston most of my life and the police there would be held accountable long ago by the city if this was happening. Expecting businesses to basically pay for private security because police are being childish to prove a point is ridiculous... why pay taxes then? Protect and Serve the city that pays you, it's not all about you making a carreer building drug cases for show. Communication is the key to all of this. It's truly surreal to see and feel this yet never hear it acknowledged. The trauma for all in the city, regardless of socioeconomic status, is hurting all.

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I’d argue that mostly cops are not being childish to prove a point… We are frustrated when we are prohibited from making arrests (by changes in policy, ordinances and laws, and by elected prosecutors refusing to prosecute cases we spend hours or days putting together) and are targeted for incarceration for “violating rights” when we arrest criminals or worse, using force to defend ourselves from resistive suspects and taking a murder rap! Can you really blame us for not wanting to get dragged into minor crimes?

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There's way more going on here than meets the eye. You've discovered something bigger. Can you guess what it is?

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I bet lots of GenX and older folks who were around in 1988 just loved the pro-crime opening song of Tracy Chapman's Grammy winning debut album, Talkin' 'Bout A Revolution. It contains these lovely, inspiring lines:

Poor people gonna rise up

And get their share

Poor people gonna rise up

And take what's theirs

What a great song! So inspirational.

It's happening. Careful what you wish for, lefties...

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Like Jay, Rittenhouse was supposed to be assassinated that night, but he somehow turned the tables.

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Accounts like this need more coverage. Kudos to you for being willing to take counter-action. Sadly, I emotionally concur with the sentiment that most of these metropolitan areas are likely a lost cause. Additionally, I agree with Mr. Carter's thoughts- mayhap we need more Frank Castle, and less Bruce Wayne.

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>organized crime

How does it economically make sense to have 10 people involved in a laptop smash and grab crime? Figure the laptop can be sold on the black market for $500. You have 10 people, and they each contributed 30 minutes of work. That's an effective salary of $100/hr, tax-free.

They only need one criminal to do the theft, and one person to scout as a backup. The scout looks like an ordinary person walking (or on a bike). Once the scout noticed the criminal encountered resistance, only then do they call in the muscle (all the other people who were harassing the author and helping the criminal).

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911/police was in with them.

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If the cops won't show up, shoot a gun in the air, that'll make them show up.

Or better yet, shoot the criminal. The rest will learn.

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NO! Do not do that. This was not an isolated criminal. What you are seeing in this post is a massive domestic surveillance op, straight out of the playbook of the Stasi, and it has control of assets in federal LE, and can make local LE bow down. And you will not get away when they have spotters on every street corner tracking you. You will not last two seconds if you do that. Your heart is in the right place, but you need to get schooled up on the new domestic surveillance, and how to operate against it.

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I assume you have a link to a post where you discuss how to operate against it?

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Right now, you cannot operate kinetically against it, if that is what you mean, unless you are really committed, and want to waste your time. You could probably get scuba, hit water, go a few miles, pop back up in costume, do whatever, hit the water again, and reemerge somewhere out of costume. You would have to break contact with the network, re-emerge in a new cover, and then break contact again to re-emerge as you. But you would accomplish nothing. I almost think the command is amused when they get guys like the thief in this post smoked.

If you want to win, right now is an information warfare stage. Make everyone aware of the surveillance. Let them know there is an observation post in their neighborhood, just like the Stasi had an apartment in every building. Let them know just like the Stasi wired mics from every apartment into their apartment, and listened in everyone's homes, today that neighborhood OP is backdooring their microphones on their phones, on their Alexas, on their ROKU voice remotes, and they are doing exactly what the Stasi were doing, because this was modeled on the Stasi. Point out cases like this. Spread the word.

Like it or not, society is going to have to go kinetic at some point if this will be gotten rid of, but it will need to be made aware first, need to be brought to critical mass. Once it is there, the first step will be to make the surveillance shut down operations. It has to be the first target, because there will be no chance if it is up and running.

But first, awareness. Tell everyone. Make them see the vehicular in their neighborhood. Make them notice the people loitering in cars in parking lots at malls, not going in or coming out, but just waiting for orders. Show them the cases like this. Let them know it is running its children in the schools against other children under the command of adults who are assigned to the schools, to make sure all of the children are on course to be controlled, make everyone aware.

It is literally America's only hope.

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Well, I read your series of posts on learning how to observe surveillance. (One through ten are broken links). I'm not sure on what I see is anything more than coincidence, but I'll keep my eyes open going about.

Using your paradigm of surveillance, it seems to me that this operation was set up to grab that guy's laptop, not for the measly $500 or so estimated for its worth, but either for the data on it (unlikely) or to get the guy fired, as said in the story would have happened if the work laptop had been stolen. I find it easier to believe it's a network of thieves organized to quickly extract valuable items and fence them mostly because the pictures of the surveillance you've shown, especially the two guys filming in the subway, have depicted healthier and more upstanding types. If I were keeping a surveillance network secret I wouldn't entrust key parts to street people, though I guess if they tried to go honest there's the benefit that no one would believe them.

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The network is all over, in every group, at every strata of society, because that gives them maximum insight into everything. In the mob, in the local elementary school. You are going to see. And everyone will be blown away. It took me years of seeing it day in and day out to accept such a thing could exist. But it does.

The links on my site disappearing are a recurring problem. They will be back up in a week or so.

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Aug 3, 2023
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Seattle Police can't say it, but wherever the domestic networks are operating, they reach out to assets in FBI and have the place put "under a flag" which is LE-speak for nobody is allowed in from unformed patrol because there is a surveillance op there, and officially they do not want the targets spooked by a uniformed LE presence and altering behavior. Unoffficially they just do not want the cops enforcing the law there. They do this in MS13 hotspots, it is why despite Shannon Gilbert telling 911 she was about to be murdered nobody could get to her. It is a crazy ability.

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